Creating stronger market impact - CCS Nordic
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CCS Nordic offer company specific consulting depending on our clients’ needs. We deliver projects across the world. CCS Nordic is organized in a core team of management consultants working out of Copenhagen, combined with several delivery consultants living and working in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America and Latin America.

Whether we deliver consulting services, set up single workshops or build full training curriculums for Sales. Academies, we cover all aspects of B2B sales work. Our passion is to turn selling into a discipline that consistently rely on structure and methods, helping our clients to increase the activity (quantity and quality) in customer engagement.

We see more and more professionals with deeply specialised knowledge moving into sales roles. These subject matter experts do not necessarily see themselves as salespeople. Our clients’ customers are looking for subject matter experts and advisors who understand their needs and anticipate potential problems, rather than sellers who urge them to purchase a generic solution. Therefore, it is essential to build trust-based relationships with buyers and use the expertise to establish a credible dialogue.

Contact us to learn more about how CCS Nordic can help your sales team improve their client relations.


The sales consulting we offer is based on the go-to-market strategy of the client, and the maturity in the sales process set-up.

When we deliver training, we base it on the participants experiences and everyday challenges.

This approach is part of the concept of integrated experiential learning on which we base all our training.


With our large network of consultants, we work on projects with clients all over the world.

Benefit from our international experience acquired from different industries such as healthcare, bioscience, technology, financial services, professional consulting services, industrial production and other complex value offerings.


The sales training in the course is based on each participant’s specific experiences and challenges involving sales and consulting within their daily work at the company.


To the extent you wish, we enter into a dialogue with your company before, during and after the training course. We do this to support the value creation between individual learning and business objectives. This approach is part of the concept of integrated experiential learning, for which we organize all training.

Read more about our approach and integrated experiential learning in this PDF:

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